Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday October 30, 2017 8:02 PM

End of October

Despite the lack of sleep I get on the road bicycle and crank away at a good clip but stop at about 30 miles. I relax for a bit and then ride the mountain bicycle over to the bicycle shop and give it to them for a tuneup and probably a new chain. And then I walk home with an intermediate stop at the grocery store for supplies.

After a good night of sleep I get up and continue working on the mapping project. I've figured out how to do everything now and just need to work through it. At mid morning I have good weight lifting session where I've increased the weights but not to the maximum. After a shower I do some house shopping at Target and then see a financial advisor where I purchase more tax free municipal bonds. When I get home I work through the mapping project, take a break for food, and then turn my attention to the network security class. Finally just before 6 pm I walk over to the park where they have large tents set up for a community meeting where we are discussing the new zoning ordinances that the city wants to push through - increasing the density of commercial and residential development. Wow are people mad! There's a lot of yelling and screaming and name calling at this meeting. And there's a long line of people who want to address the planning people once they finish their presentation. When I can take no more I walk on home.

I want to go ride on Thursday morning, but it doesn't happen. I work on homework, mow/trim/edge the lawn, trim the roses, and then get a shower. In the afternoon I ork on homework and then ride the motorcycle to Long Beach City College for a documentary about the changing/dieing coral in the oceans. I run into the atmospheric sciences class professor from spring semester and we have a good discussion about his summer field trip as well as an upcoming robotics competition that he wants me to help out on and how to increase the diversity of the STEM students.

There is an Indisutrial Advisory Board meeting at Cal State Los Angeles today so I spend 9 am until 1 pm in that meeting with faculty members. After the meeting I meet with the senior design team that I'm mentoring and they're lost. They did a SUPER job on last week's presentation, but don't know where to go from here. So we sit down and take it step by step nd we cut back the scope of the project due to excessive complexity. After the meeting I rush on home and get in a good session with the weights before having dinner and working a bit on the mapping project. During the morning I had two really good ideas that I wrote down on a notepad, so I lay out the framework for solving these two problems.

I wake up on Saturday morning with a 0.5 degree fever. But I'm going to ride anyway, of course. I start north on the Los Angeles river and feel strong today despite a slight headwind. I make the turn up to the Santa Fe dam and then turn and head for home. I ride fast and strong today for 56 miles. The son of the recently-deceased neighbor is having a yard sale soI stop in as I'm finishing the ride. There it is! I see an ox (really a cow) butter dish. So I say, "I'll give you $2 for the cow butter dish". The son and his wife won't let me pay and give me the butter dish. After I've taken a shwoer and go out to start running errands I have the $2 and make them my final offer, but they don't take my money. So now I have an ox butter dish (since I'm the old ox) and I can use it to always remember my neighbor of 30 years. I run some errands, do some homework for school, cook vegetables for the week, do some window blind dusting, and relax on Saturday afternoon with F1 qualifying.

I don't ride on either Sunday or Monday, but get in good workouts with the weights. I've dropped the weights a bit from the heavy sessions and this allows me to use good form, work the muscles hard, and put less strain on the joints. Both SUnday and Monday are spent working on homework, watching racing, working on my special mapping project, and reading. For lunch on Monday I ride the motorcycle to Cerritos and have a Chinese lunch with a former co-worker and we catch up on our lives since our last lunch a few months ago.

I don't ride on Tuesday either. I get in another workout with the weights - see the slightly lowered weights don't bother my joints. And I do a lot of inside work becasue today is 105F outside. I get in a 30 mile ride on Wednesday morning and then stay inside the rest of the day because it is again 100F. But I get a lot of shcoolwork and other fun work done throughout the day.

I'm lazy on Thursday and get out and run errands early in the morning. I also keep working through my homework assignments for the classes that I am taking for learning and for fun. At mid-morning I get in a good lifting weights session where I've increased the weights just a couple of pounds per side and have a good workout. After a cooling shower I continue to work on a cookie encryption method that finally I get implemented on a website and it seems to work well. And then I turn my attention to a full database encryption problem. This has me stumped after an hour of work, so I go start sorting clothes to be kept and to be given away. I find quite a few clothes that have been given to me over the years and other clothes of unknown origin that have never been worn before (and some still have the sales tag on them). Nonetheless I gather them together and get them ready to donate to Goodwill or somewhere that will take them.

I sleep horribly on Thursday night into Friday morning. First I read in bed (as usual) and then turn off the lights. But there is no way I'm going to fall asleep. So I get up and go back and try to figure out my encryption/decryption problem. I don't figure it out but go back and try to sleep near 1 am. It is't coming but I do persist and finally fall asleep. I get up a bit late and work on homework and then work the abdominals and lower back - not the bicycle ride that I had hoped for but the best that I can do. After a shower I ride the motorcycle to CSULA and the team is making great progress on the ocean cleanup project. When I get home I walk over to the bicycle store and pick up the mountain biccyle with new crankshaft, bottom bearing, chain, cassette, and seat bag. I'm ready to ride this bike again for a few years. And I relax at home and stay awake so that I can sleep well on Friday night.

I sleep well on Friday night after all of the previous missed sleep and get out on the road bicycle in the dark light. Despite some windy conditions, I feel well and get in the 56 mile ride up to the Santa Fe dam and back home. After a shower I walk over to the grocery store for supplies and then get a phone call from Person T_U to ride around a bit for the Ciclavia (which is again held almost right outside my front door). Of course I agree but after agreeing on a meeting place. Tt takes another 5 phone calls and moving to three different locations to find Person T_U - because Person T_U keeps moving around rather than staying where he says he is. We ride a few miles despite Person T_U saying "I don't know if I can make it up to Houghton park" and catch some bands play. Eventually we split ways and ride back to the southern end of the Ciclavia and this time, as opposed to five years ago, it stretches sideways. I ride along and catch a band called Vooduo which plays punk-type music and I am happy and enthused that I continued to explore. Finally I head for home for a cooling shower and a very close and "spine tingling" qualifying session from Mexico City for the F1 race. The rest of the day is spent relaxing with the Dodgers game and really nothing else productive.

I'm hungover from the long ride on Saturday and from being in the sun on Saturday afternoon, so on Sunday morning I watch the wet MotoGP race from Malaysia and then lift weights. One of the lifts is a struggle from being hungover, but th rest of the lifts are good. In the afternoon I watch the F1 race from Mexico city and do some homework for my two classes. And then flip the Dodgers' game on and off as I cannot watch.

I start Monday slow with some homework. Just before 9 am I start my errands as various businesses are opening up. When I get back home I get on the mountain bicycle and ride to the old aycht club and back. It's a chilly, windy ride but it feels good after the heat that we've had recently. At home I dig up an area in the yard and plant the carnation seeds which came from Amazon today or yesterday. After watching the Moto3 race from Malaysia, I finish off the homework that's due on Wednesday and then I work on a coyote-tracking chatbot that people have been asking for.