Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, July 18, 2006 9:00 AM


I am so bored!

Following the 4th of July weekend I am bored at work. I try to make up for it by pumping iron with heavy weights. I dropped the weight off the maximums just a few pounds in order to get in an extra set and to adhere to the strictest form possible. And my muscles cry for relief after each workout on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

After each workout I try to be productive and not get bored. On Wednesday I mow, edge, and trim the lawn. On Thursday I go to the ResouceScout meeting where we're putting the finishing touches on a flyer for the upcoming national adoptions conference in July. On Friday I go outside, climb up a ladder, and use a long fiberglass pole with a saw on the end to trim trees and get the branches of the trees away from telephone wires.

On Saturday I'm a bit lazy, so I do laundry and a few errands before getting out for only the aquarium ride. After a cool shower I get the car washed, clean up the bathrooms, and relax. Until later I get in one of the afore-mentioned sessions with the weights and then I head out for more tree top trimming from the top of a ladder. It's almost over!

Late on Saturday I have two conversations with Person T_U whether to go out clubbing. We both decide to go next Saturday.

On Sunday morning I'm lazy, so I buy and read the newspaper. Finally just after 10 am I head out for the aquarium ride. Its a good ride with cool ocean breezes near the ocean and warmer weather as I return home. After the CART race from Toronto Person C_T comes over and we hang out and take a nap and go have dinner. Afterwards we are both lazy, so I continue reading the newspaper as Person C_T works on his resume and a cover letter. And its time for sleep a little after 10 pm.

On Monday at work I feel horrible. In fact, I feel almost as bad as I did one year ago when the Hepatitis B was at it's peak. During an afternoon meeting I'm feeling bad and I actually see the stars that sometimes come out just before one faints. But I dare not stand up, so I just sit at the meeting, completely oblivious to what is going on around me, hoping that when I faint I won't take someone with me or won't hit my head too hard. But I don't faint and after about ten minutes I start to feel a bit better - at least not like I'm going to drop off at any moment.

On Monday and Tuesday I get in the good workouts with the weights where the weight is dropped off the maximums a bit and I throw in an extra set. I'll start increasing the weights with the extra set shortly. On Tuesday after lifting weights I mow the lawn and then relax in the cool evening - getting prepared for the blazing hot and humid weather that is coming.

On Tuesday night I wake up from a nightmare near midnight. It's a mightmare with the KM stalking me and I've called the police to come and dispose of the situation. Why am I having nightmares from a situation that was almost 5 years ago? Nonetheless I cannot fall back asleep and get up and watch television for a couple of hours until I try again for sleep. Sleep eventually comes again but it is not sound sleep.

On Wednesday I only work the abdominals and lower back because I am tired from disrupted sleep. On Thursday and Friday after work I get in good sessions with the weights as I increase the pounds a bit but keep the extra sets. I struggle a bit - probably due to disrupted sleep - but have good workout nonetheless.

At work on Friday I have an almost all day design review. It's interupted twice - once by Ruby saying that Los Angeles County is now asking her how quickly we can have something up and running for adoptions and a second time by a reviewer from another company offerring me a job. For the former I tell Ruby that the longest pole in the tent is how quickly Los Angeles County can digitize their data so that we can use it (because the search/match software is pretty much written). For the second I just tell the guy that he shouldn't solicit on our campus but we'll be in touch shortly. After Friday's workout I'm in the car and heading for West Hollywood to meet up with Person C_T, Person L_M, Person E_M, and others to celebrate Person C_T's birthday.

I park the car, walk to three clubs in West Hollywood, and finally pick up a free re-entry wrist band to a club. Then I walk a mile to the restaurant where the birthday is to be held. We have a 9:30 reservation, so I've told everyone that I'm just eating light because it is so late. The music is so loud and the nearby conversations are so loud that the waiters have to duck their heads in close to our party in order to take our orders. But we have a nice birthday dinner for Person C_T and are finishing up at 12:15 am on Saturday morning. Late during dinner Person L_M's girlfriend, Person C_M, joins us. And as we break after dinner to go our own ways - with me having to walk the mile back to the club - Person C_M eventually gets me into her car because she lives near the designated free re-entry club. I like Person C_M and we have a nice conversation about music and geek stuff and scripts and algorithms and stuff. As she drops me off I give her my phone number and we agree to be geeks together sometime and because she wants a Fender amplifier re-wired and I can possibly do it for her.

I enter the club and Person W finds me very quickly and we have a short conversation. When Person W says that he is moving jobs to a new company, I ask him, "Does this mean that you're not going to use the data from my weather monitoring satellites anymore? That you've never used anyway." And Person W starts laughing and explains to me that he'll be doing the same type of work for a smaller company and for more pay.

At the club there is too much hip hop music played, but it's good to get out and mingle with people again. I have offers from a girl and a guy to "spend the night", but I decline them and leave for home just before 2 am. Amd I'm dropping off to sleep just before 3 am.

On Saturday I get up and go for the loop ride. I struggle a bit at the end but it's another good ride. I quickly run through laundry, some grocery shopping, and qualifying for the French Grand Prix before there's a knock at the door. It's my ex-neighbor Rob and his wife Sabina. (Rob and I used to ride bicycles all of the time when he lived across the street.) We have a nice conversation and visit about house remodeling, bicycle riding, visas and passports, and the neighborhood. Rob and Sabina are heading to Van Nuys to check out a recumbent bicycle store on the hottest day of the year. I wish them cool travels as they leave after the one hour visit.

On Saturday night Person T_U and I meet up at a club in West Hollywood. We both run into a number of people that we haven't seen for a while (because I haven't gone out clubbing for quite a while). Person P_P is present and gives me a hug and we talk about how long his hair is. This is the longest that I've ever seen it. After the conversation Person T_U says, "He looks a lot like Person C_T". This is a stunner to me because I've never thought about it. And I keep looking over at Person P_P to see and verify the resemblance. But I don't see it.

The music is good tonight and there are only a few moshed-up songs from the 80's that I would have preferred not to hear. Late in the evening Joe arrives and he's already been to other clubs so he's a bit drunk. I tell one of his friends not to let Joe drink anymore. As the crowd thins out Person T_U takes leave and I hang around for just a bit longer - trying to decide whether to stay around for the after hours or not. Finally just before 2 am I'm heading for the car and just before 3 am I'm dropping off to sleep.

On Sunday I get the newspaper and read it as the French Grand Prix plays via tape. And then I head out for the aquairum ride. My legs are tired and I've only had 4 hours of sleep each of the last two nights, but it's a good ride nonetheless. I spend the rest of the day relaxing and staying cool - or trying to. And watching MotoGP and 250cc motorbike races from Germany where my favorite rider wins in each category. I head for sleep near 9 pm.