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On Monday it rains. Thus I drive the car to work. During the early morning hours, in between bouts of work, I stare out the window and enjoy the rain coming down. Though I'm disappointed that I have to drive the car and not ride the motorcycle, I enjoy the rain today. And realize that this is probably the last real rain that we'll have until November. Monday night I am lazy and just watch the taped two hour season finale of Desperate Housewives.
On Tuesday I finally get to ride the motorcycle again. As I'm making the fast right turn onto the freeway entrance ramp and passing a slower vehicle on the outside, the motorcycle starts sliding wildly towards the guardrail and I do my best to correct the slide, stay upright, and stay off the guardrail. When I get to the top of the freeway entrance ramp I realize that the truck ahead of me is spilling gasoline on the road - the fuel sloshing out of the leftside fuel filler as the truck makes a right turn. On the freeway I pull up on the left of the truck (this is a typical passeneger truck, not a big rig) I slow down, match the pace of the truck, and give the driver and mean and nasty look. No hand gestures used - just a mean and nasty look. The truck driver's incompetence at over-filling his gas tank has almost put me into the guardrail as well as polluting the ground and causing a potential hazard for other riders and drivers.
On Tuesday I get home, lift weights, mow the front and back yard, and then relax with dinner. After a while I am restless, so I pull out the paint a give the trim for the new walk-in closet its second coat of paint. And then I relax again.
On Wednesday and Thursday I lift weights again after work. I like the deep sleep that it gives me to lift heavier weights for just 25 minutes a day. As I increase the weights towards "heaviest ever" and decrease the repetitions, the sleep deepens each night.
I take Friday off from work and go on the loop bicycle ride of almost 30 miles. My legs are still a bit tired from Sunday's long run, but a bicycle ride is always the perfect way to start any day. After a shower I go to the ATM, get my final Hepatitis A vaccine injection, and do some grocery shopping. In the afternoon two contractors visit to quote sanding and refinishing all of the hardwood floors in the house. They both show up either early or a few minutes late (after calling and saying he would be late). Both prices come in close. After doing laundry I relax and do little things around the house.
On Friday night I go to bed early, though I realize this might be a mistake. Later my realization is confirmed when I wake up a bit before 1 am and cannot fall back asleep. I get up and watch television for an hour and still cannot sleep. So I surf the Internet for a while and note that a text message has appeared from Person M_C at 1:35 am asking if he can stay at my place on Saturday night. I respond with a text message indicating that my house is a mess. And I'm finally back asleep near 3:30 though the phone rings a bit later though I'm too "hungover" to answer it.
On Saturday I wake up and trim and paint the ceiling in my bedroom. Slowly but surely all of the pieces are coming together. Afterwards I watch qualifying for the Grand Prix of Monaco and then trim roses and go off cycling (the loop ride again) thinking that Michael Schumacher is on the pole for Sunday's race. The bicycle ride is windy and I struggle on the two legs where the wind is against and crank along nicely on the two legs with the wind at my back. After a shower I surf the Internet for a while and see that Michael Schumacher's entire qualifying sesssion was taken away and he'll start dead last (with his teammate alongside) due to unsportmanslike conduct (i.e., blocking the track near the end of the session when everyone was trying to beat his qualifying time). It didn't necessarily look like he intentionally tried to block the track, but it did look fishy and the television announcers picked up on it immediately. Well, the bicycle ride took a lot out of me, so I relax for a while.
Late on Saturday night I consider going out clubbing and even handle phone calls from Joe and Person M_C, but I decide to stay home and go to sleep. I'm rewarded with extra deep sleep during the night.
On Sunday I get out for the aquarium ride during which a guy who just arrived from the Yucatan peninsula rides with me for a while as I show him the way. He was originally looking for how to get to Palos Verdes, but I show him the ocean bike path that goes to Seal Beach and Huntington Beach and beyond. And then I turn around and head for home - stopping off at the liquor store to buy the newspaper. I ride my bicycle into the store as always and wait to buy the paper as the guy ahead of me, at 7:45 on Sunday morning, is buying two cans of beer and a pack of cigarettes. After a shower I read the paper, watch the Grand Prix of Monaco, some of the Indy 500, and do some shopping for supplies to construct the walk-in closet. And then I get out for an hour of inline skating. I take my time today just to get my skating legs back.
Later on Saturday Person C_T and Person L_M come over and we go grab a DVD to watch. Person L_M falls asleep duringt he DVD, but Person C_T and I watch the entire thing and do not get the "you'll be shocked at the ending" that the guy at the DVD store promised us.
On Sunday I get up late and eventually Person C_T, Person L_M, and I have breakfast. Person L_M has to pick up her girlfriend at the airport, so Person C_T does yoga while I lift weights. I get back in the room in time to join Person C_T for three yoga movements. When Person L_M gets back the three of us head to the beach where I go off inline skating while they sunbathe and play int he water. Person C_T and Person L_M are heading for home near 6pm as I catch up on some remaining tasks for the long weekend. The chosen floor refinishing contractor calls and comes over near 8pm to pick up a deposit check as well as to take a chip out of my floors so that he can match the wood type and species (for the repair where the floor furnace use to be). And I finally collapse into bed for sleep near 10 pm.