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I bypass bicycle commutes on Monday and Tuesday because I'm tired (or am I lazy). Instead I get in high repetition weights workouts each night along with some walking. But I am tired.
Person C_T surprises me by visiting on Wednesday afternoon (after work) since he has business down in Orange County. But I have no motivation and can only say, "Let's watch last night's episode of Boston Legal. Maybe you can pick up some pointer for your upcoming court appearance for your traffic violation."
On Thursday morning I wake up with a 2 degree fever and now I realize why I've been spacey, felt lazy, why the high repetition lifts have knocked me on my butt so much, and why I was unenthused when Person C_T came over to visit the previous afternoon. I think about staying home from work, but there's construction going on, so there will be no rest. So I sleep late, try to enliven myself with a shower, and head for work on the motorcycle.
When I get to work the air conditioning is running and it tends to make me feel better. I receive a HUGE scare at work when a co-worker says that the gimbal model is in the satellite model backwards. This means that all of the work we've done for a while is bad because the model is bad. The early delivery that we made has to be retracted. And all of the kudos that I received for the early delivery (with no support staff) are not deserved. I start to re-work the model in the event that it is wrong. After working on the model for 5 hours and getting it right, the co-worker calls back and says that he was wrong - the original model was not in backwards and is okay. So I'm disappointed that I wasted all of the time trying to "correct" an "incorrect" model, but I'm happy that the early delivery still stands and the kudos are, indeed, deserved by me (and my teammates).
During the work day on Thursday I realize how many people are currently out sick or at work sick. And it explains my recent lethargy and laziness. When I get home on Thursday after work (and after a quick trip to the grocery store), I call Ruby and tell her that I have a fever and I'm going to lay down and miss the ResourceScout meeting. We'll meet next week.
I feel better on Friday morning and have no fever. I get to work and have a very very productive morning and a fairly productive afternoon. At 4pm I leave for the week. I'm riding home in the carpool lane when traffic backs up. So I start spliting lanes and I see that a hearse is in the carpool lane. I wonder if there is a second live rider in the car or if a dead body could constitute a second rider (and the legal use of the carpool lane).
When I get home on Friday I wash the motorcycle and go play in the dirt of the roses. I do quite a bit of weeding of the roses and removing wild growing grass. I get halfway through the effort before I call it quits for the day. On Friday night I spend time listening to some old latin music that gets me in a revolutionary mood and some newer emo music that gets me in a silly and wild mood.
On Saturday I get out for a bicycle ride north along the Los Angeles river. It's good ride and I just crank along and enjoy it. After a shower I do the laundry, some grocery shopping, watch qualifying for the San Marino Grand Prix, and relax until mid afternoon. Just before 3 pm I head out to finish cleaning up the rose beds for the prime growing season. And I get to play in the dirt again!
There are calls from people who want to sorta go out on Saturday night, but I'm not enthused. So I stay home and listen to the rain late at night.
On Sunday I get out for a 30 minute walk before stopping off at the grocery store for supplies. After waxing the rims of the motorcycle wheels I read the newspaper and watch the San Marino Grand Prix. The last 20 laps are pretty exciting even if it is not the result that I would have preferred. Near noon I get out for a fast and windy bicycle around the aquarium. Later Person C_T comes over and we watch a DVD and have dinner and just hang out.
On Monday I go visit my dentist for x-rays and a cleaning. I point out a slightly sensitive spot and after we have a long discussion and she examines me, she decides that I should be using a "bite guard" while I'm lifting weights. She thinks that maybe as I clench my teeth during lifting weights I may have cracked something (I can't remember what she thinks that I cracked). Otherwise we have a good visit (as she cleans my teeth) and we talk about health and politics and education and stuff.
On Wednesday I start lifting weights again. (I'll get the "bite guard" this coming weekend.) After hitting the weights heavily in January through March, the planned one week off turned into two when I was a bit sick, lethargic, and lazy. But it feels good to be lifting again.
Thursday and Friday are very productive days at work (in between meetings). On Thursday I walk to the store after work and then work on abdominals and lower back. On Friday I get out for a walk before work and lift weights after work. The session with the weights is good and I finally start to feel recovered from the "one day" fever a week ago.
But the last few weeks I feel "blah" and depressed. I'm not getting a lot of enjoyment out of typically fun activities. I only look forward to riding the motorcycle, riding the bicycles, and watching MotoGP and Formula One races. There is no inclination at this time to go clubbing again - typically a source of fun. Maybe I need to go see somebody about this depressed state.
On Friday night (really Saturday morning) at 2:30am I wake up and can't fall back asleep. So I watch television for an hour and try to sleep again. I finally fall asleep though it was much later than 3:30 am when I went back to bed. Difficulty sleeping - another symptom of depression.
On Saturday I get up and do the laundry, visit the ATM for spending cash, and do some grocery shopping. Because it is a bit foggy and because I'm tired (from the missed sleep) I delay the morning bicycle ride and hope to squeeze it in later. Near mid day, though the sun doesn't come out, I get out for the aquairum bicycle ride. It's an uneventfull ride but fun nonetheless.
The rest of the day is spent close to home. There are phone calls from Person C_T and Person T_U, but I stay home. Person T_U tries to drag me along to a club, but I tell him that I don't feel well mentally and I should just stay home. I get some reading done and watch some television - the television watching being something that I don't do very often.
On Sunday I get out for a walk and buy the newspaper. When the fog has burnt off enough I get out for another bicycle ride around the aquarium. And then I watch an exciting MotoGP race from Turkey where the action is as close as it gets and a last lap pass decides the winner. And two good charges from 15th and 11th make it an unpredictable race. And then I read about the 250cc race and realize that I just HAVE to tape the race when it is aired on Tuesday because the last lap features 5 riders all vying for the lead. And, as one would expect, two of these 5 riders don't quite make it to the checkered flag.
Person C_T comes over later and we hang out and then we do the last (I hope) of the accessory shopping for the two bathrooms. The bathroom contractor expects to put the finishing touches on both bathrooms this week. I cannot wait!
At the conclusion of the weekend I look back upon the last two weekends. I realize that last weekend I drove 6 miles in the car, rode 0 miles on the motorcycle, rode 40 miles on the bicycles, and walked 3 miles. This weekend I drove 11 miles in the car, rode 0 miles on the motorcycle, rode 40 miles on the bicycles, and walked 3 miles. Other than the bicycle rides I have been staying very close to home during the weekends. Maybe I need to change that next weekend to get out of my little rut.