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Monday is a fairly productive day at Northrop Grumman. But towards the end of the day it looks like rain. So I script the models and simulatins that I want to run, submit them to start in a few hours, and go home. There are a few rain drops on my helmet shield when I get home. Today I increase the weights some more and find, in the middle of the workout, that I didn't increase them quite enough. We'll see what I can come up with for the next "push" workout later this week.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I'm up early and in my office for work near 6:30 am. And on each night, after work, I get in good sessions with the weights.
On Thursday I leave work at 9 am to deal with bathroom contractors and to get the rotation direction of a faucet corrected. And then I'm back at work before noon.
On Friday I get out for a waqlk before work and I run into two neighbors as I'm finishing. I walk with them once around the block as we catch up on the neighborhood, home projects, and exercise routines. When I get to work on Friday I spend a fair amount of the day convincing people that a trip to Fort Wayne, Indiana next week would be of little added value. By the end of the day I have not heard otherwise, so I assume that I am not going to Fort Wayne for work next week. When I get home I trim and mow the lawn and then do some abdominal and lower back work with weights.
Person C_T comes over a little after 6 pm and we head off to a Japanese restaurant for dinner. After dinner I pull out the 1000 Japanese yen note (worth about $8 US) and try to pay the bill with the yen. The waitress says, "We don't take that. We only take dollars". And we have a good laugh and I find some US dollars to pay with. Person C_T gets ready to leave a bit after 9 pm but doesn't quite make it. Instead he stays over and we enjoy longer conversation and companionship.
When Person C_T gets up to go to work I get up to do the laundry. After laundry I fill the car's truck with empty and half empty paint cans to take to an annual spring toxic waste cleanup. Since I get their early there is no line and I more or less am offloaded of toxic waste from my house without even stopping the car.
Near noon, when I see a break in the clouds, I jump on the mountain bicycle and head down the Los Angeles river towards the aquarium. There is a lot of water in the river as it runs off of all of Los Angeles county towards the ocean. After rounding the aquairum and starting back towards home, I see the cyclist that I saw two or three weeks ago that gave me the enthusiastic smile. Today he is leaning against the railing near the Catalina landing at the halfway point in his ride. Again I say, "Come ride with me". He doesn't catch what I say and I repeat, "Come ride with me". So he saddles up and catches up to me and we head north on the Los Angeles river. He's getting off at Wardlow, but he rides with me until then. We have a nice conversation about tennis and cycling and the Czech Republic and exercise and paintball. I even try a bit of my Tagalog on him as it turns out that he is half Filipino and half Chinese. ("My mother doesn't want me to learn Chinese so that she can talk with my grandmother without me knowing what's going on.") When Wardlow appears, the riding partner for the day heads for home. I can see that we both enjoyed a bit of company and conversation for this ride.
Because it is in Australia, I'm able to watch the final qualifying (taped from last night) and the race (live at 8 pm) for Formula One. The race is very entertaining because there is continuous action, passing, attrition, and minor crashes. In the end the typical result is obatined, but it was entertaining.
On Sunday I get out for a walk and buy the newspaper. After reading for a while and setting the clocks ahead, I get out for the aquarium ride again. I had planned on riding farther, but I'm lazy today. As I'm heading south on the Los Angeles river towards the aquarium, I see the ChiChi heading north back towards his home. He's riding with the african american guy with the recumbent bicycle that I've ridden with at least once. The recumbent guy is an older guy who puts in long miles regularly. I'm glad that they have hooked p for this ride.
The rest of the day is kinda slow with another race to watch, some cleanup around the house, the newspaper, and stuff.