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Monday and Tuesday are kinda blah days at work. I try to be productive, but I'm just a bit bored right now after the mad rush of meeting last Thursday's deadline for spacecraft environments.
On Monday I lift weights heavy. In fact, I lift as heavy as I've ever lifted for repetitions and I do more sets than usual. When I'm done I have an incredible pump. After relaxing for the evening I get to sleep before 10 pm. About two hours later I wake up from the deepest sleep imaginable - I love lifting heavy because it makes the first couple hours of sleep each night so deep. (The physiological process involved here is the extra release of growth hormone during the first sleep period with the body releasing more growth hormone to repair the muscle tissue damaged during heavy lifting.)
On Tuesday I lift heavy again (for the pull muscle group). The sleep that I get on uesday is deep, but not quite the same quality as on Monday.
On Wednesday I intend to start the bicycle commuting season. But I'm lazy and stay in bed longer than usual and ride the motorcycle to work. When I get home I lift heavy (for the push muscle groups). I look back on my calendar and see that I haven't had a recovery break from lifting weights yet this entire year - missing only three consecutive days at the most. After another week or so I'll have to have a recovery break. Nonetheless I hit the weights again on Wednesday evening, take care of a few things around the house, and head down to the Library coffeehouse to read. I'm left alone tonight, for the most part, so I get a majority of the latest Scientific American read. But I do run into Marty, a punk rocker acquaintance that I've spoken with a few times over the years. We talk about various bands and new music that we've heard. And then we leave eahc other alone.
On Thursday I hit the weights heavy again. I can tell that I'm getting tired as the last few repetitions are a real struggle (more than they should be). But I get through the workout and will take the three days off of lifting until Monday (for another mini-recovery).
On Friday I wake up early and get to work a half hour earlier than usual. I make it a productive day until I get called into a big review and cannot accomplish much more until after lunch. I plug away after lunch and leave work early (because I had extra hours throughout the week). I jump on the bicycle and go for the aquarium ride the very minute that I get home. Afterwards I lay fertilizer down on the front and back yards and then start soaking the yard with water. The evening is spent catching up on reading. Currently on the reading list is Scientific American, Genetic Engineering News, Wired, and the usual community newspapers for the communities that I am a part of. I'm in bed and ready for sleep at 9:30 pm.
I'm up late on Saturday morning with about a 0.5 degree fever. I do the laundry and do some reading before I get out for the (almost) 30 mile loop bicycle ride. It's a good ride! Afterwards I clean up a room and take some stuff to Goodwill. Later in the afternoon I buy some lottery tickets and get to Trader Joe's for raw cranberry juice and some vitamins. Though I was productive earlier in the day, the latter half is not (as I'm a bit tired). There are phone calls from Joe, Person C_T, and Person T*. But I'm staying in tonight to get some extra sleep and hopefully fight off anything that might be headed my way. For the first time in about a year I take some Kava root extract to help me sleep better. (I didn't take any vitamins, herbs, prescription drugs, or over the counter medicines since I got the Hepatatis B because most of those substances are metabolized in the liver and the doctor didn't want me to stress my liver at that time.)
Though I've taken all of the necessary steps, I cannot fall asleep. I finally get up almost an hour after going to bed and watching television for a couple of hours. Maybe I can finally fall asleep.
I'm up on Sunday at about 6 am and head out for the aquarium ride. On the way home, there's nothing like riding your bicycle INTO the liquor store in order to purchase...the newspaper. After a nice warm shower I read the paper until the motorcycle races come on. Later I paint an exterior door and clean up the roses. Near 3pm I am starting to fade and I cannot decide whether I want to take a nap or not. I finally get down for about an hour nap. When I wake up there is a phone call from Person T* saying, "I left a note on your front door". But there is no note there.
Later I have conversations with Person C_T and Person J_VKPI. I wish Person J_VKPI a five day late birhtday. Person J_VKPI says that his boyfriend has moved away and that he is sad. So we have a long conversation. I finally get down for final reading and sleep before 10 pm.