Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, March 13, 2006 9:00 AM

Finally Clear

Monday and Tuesday again involve driving to work as well as good sessions with the weights. I've increased the weights and dropped the repetitions in order to keep the workout changing (and not let the body get too comfortable with one type of workout).

On Wednesday I get the lab results back from my recent blood test. It finally indicates that there are no surface antigens remaining and that I have produced a good number of antibodies. Thus I have fought off the Hepatitis B without resorting to drastic measures. And now I am immune to subsequent exposure to Hepatitis B. It took from June of 2005 to March of 2006 to complete clear the surface antigens. But I am relieved. I celebrate by eating extra cookies.

On Friday I leave work a bit early, pick up two doors for the bathroom, and do the laundry. While doing laundry I open up the Los Angeles times and see a website related to crime that ResourceScout could do. Private funds were used to the tune of $365,000 to get the site functional. It is not much more than the Google mapping capability as demonstrated here. I stop in at the grocery store during errands and see my city councilperson in line. After leaving the store I wait by my car and see where my city councilperson, who happens to be named Rae, parked. When I see her come out of the store I walk over to her and re-introduce myself. She doesn't remember my name but she does remember my face from a number of community meetings. I give her the Los Angeles times article and say that we need this in Long Beach. I tell her that I know that our city doesn't have $360,000, but ResourceScout could do it a lot cheaper. She seems very interested and I leave her to getting home after grocery shopping. I give her a business car because I don't have ResourceScout business cards with me.

Later I'm out working on my abdominals and lower back and I get back into the house and have two voice mails. The first is from Joe saying that he cannot go out tonight. The second is from Joe 5 minutes later saying that he'll come by my house at 9:30 pm and we'll go out. I call Person T_U and try to rally the troops for a fun evening.

I'm up at 6:30 am on Sunday to watch the Grand Prix of Bahrain. It's actually an exciting race with very little attrition - there's passing, a charge from the back of the field, and a close battle at the end for the win. I let the day warm up a bit before I get out for the aquarium ride. Despite the lack of sleep I crank along nicely and finish strong. After the ride I chop up some brush left over from last week's tree trimming and get a nice warm shower. A few minutes later I look out and it is lightly raining - I've just missed the rain for the bicycle ride.