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The workweek is a good pattern of fairly productive work, working out, and walking. I get in "push" weights sessions on Monday and Thursday and "pull" weights sessions on Tuesday and Friday. On Wednesday I just work on abdominal and lower back strengthening and stretching as well as another long walk.
Both Thursday morning and Friday morning are very foggy and wet riding in to work. In fact, because of the condensation on the outside of my motorcycle helmet shield and fog on the inside, I can't see a thing on the two rides to work. I do my best to wipe off the outside of the shield occassionally with my left glove (like a windshield wiper), but there isn't anything to be done about the fog on the inside. So each morning I just take my time, follow car lights where possible, and proceed.
On Saturday I get up and go for a run. This is the first run in about 6 weeks as I give my right hamstring a chance to heal. The run, which is more of a combined run/walk, goes well and nothing hurts. After a shower I do the laundry and do some grocery shopping. I get back inside the house just as the rain arrives. Maybe I should have ridden the bicycle first thing in the morning and got out for a wet run in the afternoon. Oh well. I manage to squeeze in a few activities around the house as I watch football games.
Person C_T comes over after work and we have dinner and watch "The Mayor of Sunset Strip" about Rodney Bingenheimer (of Rodney on the ROQ fame). I know who Rodney is and met him once (I think) and we used to run in the same circles for a period of time. So it's interesting to see some of the footage and interviews about Rodney. Person C_T doesn't quite become involved in the DVD, but I understand why. After 10 pm Person C_T and I head for sleep.
Speaking of Rodney on the ROQ, I recall the middle 1980's when Person A and I were going out. We would occasionally go to a club called The Cavern Club and listen to psychedelic resurgence music from the The O'Clock, the Bangles, the Leopards, and others. Though Rodney never showed up when we did, he played this same music on his radio show. At the Cavern Club there was a strange mix of newer, younger people discovering psychedelic music for the first time as well as the older ones who had lived through it in the late 1960's. Some of the latter, older people actually appeared to be people who took LSD trips and never came down. These people probably thought it was 1968 and the Beatles were still together. But they were harmless even if not entirely mentally present.
On Sunday I get out for a chilly bicycle ride around the aquarium. After a shower Person C_T and I have lunch and look at options for some last details on the bathroom remodel. And then Person C_T leaves as I finish replacing the last of the crawl space vents, watch football, and work on some trade studies for Nothrop Grumman. In the middle of the afternoon I get in a good session with the weights for the "push" muscle groups. Seeing that I will be on travel this week for work, I rearrange the typical pattern to minimize missed workout days.
On Sunday evening I just relax, work on trade studies for Northrop Grumman, and elax some more. This coming week is going to be a long week.