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Monday and Tuesday are tough days at work again as the testing does not go according to plan. After a long day Tuesday I'm riding the motorcycle home. I start winding the bike up on one of my favorite transition roads where I can usually push the bike to more than 100 mph as I'm leaned over, knee extended towards the pavement, and the front end starting to shimmy. Today I'm winding the bike up...80...85....90...when the car in the next lane over decides to make a lane change right in front of me. I have to make a fairly quick correction to avoid the car and I end up running wide onto the shoulder as a result. But I keep the throttle pegged and now it's 95...100...and that's enough for today.
I enjoy the cool September mornings and evenings - still trying to forget about the hot summer weather and the 40 consecutive days of fever as a result of the Hepatatis B. On Wednesday, after a long day at work, I don't even get any sort of workout in. I just come home, process the data from the testing for the next day of testing, and go to sleep when it is time.
On Thursday night I call Person T* because I heard that her grandmother had died. She isn't home, but she returns my phone call later - waking me up from sleep in the process. We have about an hour discussion about her grandmother, how her summer has been, how my summer has been, and some other things. When she says, "You should come over and visit", I know that it is time to end the call and go back to sleep.
Thursday and Friday are productive days at work as we make good progress on testing. And each night after work I get in good sessions with the weights. I'm still lifting quite a bit less than in June, but my strength is slowly coming back. And on Friday I run the errands that need to be ran for the weekend - mowing and trimming the lawn, the laundry, and some grocery shopping. Now I have the weekend to play!
On Saturday I get out for the loop ride. It's a good ride and I feel strong. Though my time was probably a couple minutes slow because there was a huge Avon walk agaisnt breast cancer that I had to weave my way through. Afterwards I do a number of errands and do some painting around the house. Near noon I jump on the motorcycle and ride down to Tustin or Irvine to see a project that Person C_T is working on. It is starting to take shape and will be veyr nice when it is finished. We have a quick Indian food lunch and then I eventually head back for home. I trim the front bushes before I get down for about an hour nap just after 5pm.
On Saturday night, before the phone calls for fun start, Person M_C calls and tells me of something bad that has happened to him. I plead with him to go to the hospital and he finally relents. (Remember Person M_C moved to San Francisco 6 months ago.) I expect a phone call on Sunday.
Joe and Person C_T come over and we head for a club in West Hollywood. We meet up with Person J_VKPI and Person T_U tonight. The music is pretty good, the crowd is reasonable, and it is a fun time. During the evening there are two offers that are going to be made, but by staying close to Person C_T and Person J_VKPI I am able to give off the impression of "unavailable". We decide to leave a bit early so at 1:15 am on Sunday morning we're heading for home. At 2 am on Sunday morning it is time for sleep.
Sunday is a semi-blah day. I get out for a 30 minute walk to pick up the newspaper, but I spend a fair amount of time reading the newspaper, reading a book, and watching the MotoGP race from Japan. Later I spend some time working on abdominals and I get out for an almost hour-long walk. There is no return phone call from Person M_C even though I have left messages on his home phone and on his mobile phone. Hmmm.
I'm in bed near 9 pm and only interupted once by a phone call (from Person C_T).