Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, June 13, 2005 8:00 AM

Blah! (Part Two)

Monday after work I get in a great session with the weights and then do some painting around the house.

Tuesday is supposed to be a bicycle commute day with all of the belongings packed up on Monday night. But I wake up on Tuesday morning and go back to sleep. I am tired. I get in a series of strengthening and stretching exercises (once per hour for four hours) when I get home as I also clean up the bakcyard a bit, trim roses, and paint more trim around the house.

Both Monday night and Tuesday night, for the first hour of sleep, show deep sleep with vivid dreams. Present in the dreams are Person C_T, Person m_P, Person A_M, and Person T*. On Tuesday night I wake up at 1:45 am (Wednesday morning) and cannot fall back asleep. So I get up and talk with people in other countries over the Internet. I'm back in bed for sleep by 4 am.

On Wednesday I get home and start lifting weights heavy. Person C_T makes a surprise visit and while I'm finishing off lifting weights, he walks down the street " get a look at Person A_M". This is curious, but I'm pumping away so I don't worry about it. When I finish lifting weights I throw on soem clothes and start driving down the street to find Person C_T and to head to the automobile dealer for a tuneup/oil change. After picking Person C_T up we circle around to get his car (so that he can give me a ride home from the dealer instead of me skating home like usual) and I make a stupid, nasty comment about Person A_M working and Person C_T not fully working. And this starts an argument. Some of the discussion occurs in the street as Person C_T is sitting in his car and I'm standing outside his door. And, of course, why would I think otherwise, but Person A_M drives down the street and gives a big smile to me. For a while Person C_T says that he is going home, but in the end, he follows me to the automobile dealer and gives me a ride home. We have a long discussion (argument?) about various issues before we make up, go have dinner, and relax for a short while. Near 10 pm Person C_T is leaving since I can no longer stay awake (due to lost sleep the previous night).

On Thursday after work I rush home to lift again. I lift heavier than the previous day. And I, I know that this is going to hurt. After lifting I mow the lawn and have dinner. A couple hours later I start to feel the toll of the heavy lifting. But it's a good toll because it signifies growth and strength increases.

On Friday after work I skate over to the automobile dealer and pick up the car from an oil change and checkup. When I get home I lift with the heaviest weights I've ever lifted (tied with a periodization cycle from a few months ago). We'll see if I can push these weights up a bit next week. On this evening, with Person C_T slated to go clubbingwith friends to a club that plays 80's music, I take some kava root extract and look for deep sleep. I'm in bed a bit after 9 pm.

On Saturday I'm awake late and just plain hungover. I do the laundry, watch the Canadian Grand Prix qualifying,help Joe with some Word forms, and get out for the (almost) 30 mile loop ride. I also trim some roses and take a wax the rims of the car. Phone calls with Person J_VKPI, Person C_T, Person T_U, and Joe are made to arrange this evening's activities.

Person J_VKPI, his cousin Person J_F, and I hang out in West Hollywood as we await the arrival of others. Later I meet up with Person C_T and Person L_M to walk around a large outdoor festival. It's kinda boring because there aren't a whole lot of people. But I do buy a pair of sunglasses to repalce the recently broken pair. Later Person C_T, Person L_M, and I go to a club and push/shove our way around as the club is very very crowded. There are a number of smiles, glances, and looks thrown my way that I just blow off with a a friendly "I'm not interested" smile.

By 1am on Sunday morning we are tired but there is no sign of Person J_VKPI and Person T_U. So we decide to call it an evening anyway. As we are leaving we see Person T_U in line to finally get in to the club. He had gone to another club for an hour and is just arriving. We have a brief conversation and leave. There is still no sign of Person J_VKPI. I race home with freeway transition roads taken at more than twice the posted limit and I'm nodding off to sleep at 2:10 am.

Sunday is a slow day. I start the day with a series of once per hour strengthening and stretching exercises for the abdominals and lower back as well as a short walk and some grocery shopping. I get most of the newespaper read before the thrilling Canadian Grand Prix. After the race I go crank out the aquarium ride. A short time later I'm dozing off to sleep so I get down for a one hour nap before watching the MotoGP from Barcelona. Some more reading and little activities end the weekend.